A safe, gentle fertility cleanse

A Fertility Cleanse is a great way to prep yourself for pregnancy. It can help you get pregnant faster and have a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Toxins not only affect our baby during pregnancy, but they also affect fertility by disrupting hormones and negatively affecting egg and sperm quality, making it take longer to get and stay pregnant.

Signs that you especially need to cleanse are: if you have PMS, fatigue, hypothyroidism, fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, allergies, have been on birth control, have acne, constipation, period cramps, breast tenderness or irritability before your period comes, and/or have been trying to conceive and it’s taking longer than you’d like.

But there are important things to know about detoxing, and specifically how the liver works, in order to ensure that you’re detoxing safely.

Many of the “cleanses” out there can actually make you more toxic if you’re not careful, and do more harm than good. 

Here’s some physiology that I think is important to understand: There are three phases of liver detoxification. The first phase is when the liver pulls the toxins out of the fat cells. Your body stores toxins in the fat cells where they are safely tucked-away until the liver has a chance to process them. In the second and third phases, the liver actually processes the toxins and eliminates them from the body. So if your second and third phases aren’t keeping up with the first phase, then you’re actually more toxic during and after a cleanse!

This 4 day Fertility Detox is specifically designed to support all three stages of liver detoxification, boost fertility, and is safe for pre-pregnancy. 

It’s a gentle, safe, and effective detox plan to help rid your body of toxins, help balance your hormones and boost your egg quality and help you feel great. And it doesn’t require a ton of expensive shakes or fancy things like that. You don’t need all that jazz. But you do need to know how to support your liver and all three phases of detoxification. This Fertility Cleanse is specifically designed to do that. 

You can (and must!) eat food on this cleanse. It includes a meal plan and recipes to make it super easy for you. 

What you get

    1. Hellos and welcome!

    2. Instructions, meal plan, recipes, and shopping list

    1. More resources for you

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 3 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Dr. Katie Altneu DTCM FABORM

Dr. Katie is an acupuncturist and ABORM certified women’s health and fertility expert, the founder and clinic director of The Point Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine, and the creator of the programs: Becoming Balanced, Becoming Mama, and Mend Your Metabolism. She has more than ten years of experience in private practice helping clients achieve their health and wellness goals. Katie studied economics at Colby College and the London School of Economics before experiencing health struggles that led her to discover first-hand the power of acupuncture and holistic medicine. She then got her Masters at Southwest Acupuncture College to become a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. She completed her doctorate of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University in 2022. She *gets it*, having been through hormonal and digestive problems that doctors shrugged their shoulders at, growing up in diet culture and the disordered eating and the weight fluctuations that come with it, and being "advanced maternal age" when trying to conceive and pregnant. She's here to guide you in balancing your hormones, optimizing your health, and supporting your wellbeing, and to do it in an evidence-based, effective, enjoyable, empowered way, which is so important.

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