Let's take the confusion + overwhelm out of fertility and get you knocked up

This guide is a compilation of my years of research, advanced certification and degrees, and over a decade of clinical experience. It has everything you need to know about Fertility + Preconception in one place with professional, proven, guidance from an expert. 

We'll cover topics like: how to get your body baby-ready, specific nutrient needs for fertility and pregnancy, how to *eat your prenatal*, assessing for common yet often-overlooked obstacles, how to address common fertility challenges, how to support sperm quality, progesterone, thyroid function, endometrial receptivity, the uterine lining, and much more!

My unique approach integrates cutting-edge research, functional medicine insights, Chinese Medicine, more than a decade of clinical expertise and seeing what moves the needle for real people, and my own sacred personal experience of getting pregnant + becoming a mama at the "advanced maternal age" of 36 and 39. 

I see you over there...

  • Hoping for a baby, and feeling gutted each month when your period starts

  • Overwhelmed by the endless Googling and scrolling, by the sea of information overload, and needing to vet every.single.thing

  • Wishing you had a professional expert with decades of experience to tell you what you should do, and nothing that you shouldn't or would be a waste of your time

  • Wanting practical, no-nonsense, evidence-based advice to support your fertility, so you can get on with your life

An expert you can trust

With my doctorate degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine with a focus on functional medicine and more than a decade of experience, I have real expertise and experience. As an ABORM fellow I'm one of under 300 practitioners in the country to have advanced training and certification in fertility and reproductive medicine. I've passed rigorous training and testing in fertility and holistic women's health and have completed a preceptorship in a reproductive endocrinology (IVF) clinic, so I understand and appreciate the western side of fertility care too.

Dr. Katie Altneu DTCM FABORM

Dr. Katie is an acupuncturist and ABORM certified women’s health and fertility expert, the founder and clinic director of The Point Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine, and the creator of the programs: Becoming Balanced, Becoming Mama, and Mend Your Metabolism. She has more than ten years of experience in private practice helping clients achieve their health and wellness goals. Katie studied economics at Colby College and the London School of Economics before experiencing health struggles that led her to discover first-hand the power of acupuncture and holistic medicine. She then got her Masters at Southwest Acupuncture College to become a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. She completed her doctorate of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University in 2022. She *gets it*, having been through hormonal and digestive problems that doctors shrugged their shoulders at, growing up in diet culture and the disordered eating and the weight fluctuations that come with it, and being "advanced maternal age" when trying to conceive and pregnant. She's here to guide you in balancing your hormones, optimizing your health, and supporting your wellbeing, and to do it in an evidence-based, effective, enjoyable, empowered way, which is so important.

The Becoming Mama eBook is perfect for you if:

  • You've had fertility struggles and want to be pregnant, like, yesterday

  • You've had health struggles and want to feel great and support your health before getting pregnant

  • You're planning to conceive and want to do everything you can to make sure you have a healthy pregnancy and baby

Even if:

  • You're also doing IVF

  • You're also seeing other experts and/or getting acupuncture

  • You haven't started trying yet but want to get pregnant soon

I've got you!

I've made a step-by-step guide to show you and your partner exactly what to do to support that dream... without having to spend hours on Google and scrolling social media and vetting every thing you learn online. 

I get it because I've been there myself. I was "advanced maternal age" with both of my pregnancies. I've also walked thousands of women through this. I've done all the research and I've seen what works for real people in real life. I also know what's a waste of time or things for which the juice is just not worth the squeeze (I promise, I won't tell you to "just meditate"). 

I created this program in response to the growing need for accessible, clear, practical knowledge about fertility and addressing the common underlying factors that disrupt fertility and often go undetected.  

Here's what we'll cover:

  • How to get your body baby-ready

  • How to support sperm quality, ovarian response + egg health, and progesterone

  • How to support endometrial receptivity and a healthy uterine lining

  • Specific nutrient needs for pregnancy + fertility; and how to "eat your prenatal"

  • How stress, sleep, and exercise all impact fertility; and the easiest + most effective ways to do them in a fertility-supportive way

  • How to assess for common yet often-overlooked obstacles; how to address common fertility challenges

  • Labs to consider to assess your fertility and detect any possible roadblocks

  • Research-backed fertility supplements that can be helpful

  • A 28-day meal plan with delicious healthy recipes and shopping lists to make following a fertility diet extra easy for you

Let's take the confusion + overwhelm out of fertility and get you knocked up

I really want to help you feel empowered, informed, and confident on your journey to parenthood. Rather than overwhelmed and anxious. This is a digital product, available for instant download.

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